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A Dangerous Upswing: 3 Shocking Statistics About Golf Cart Accidents in North and South Carolina

couple driving a golf cart in south carolina

Why more people are getting seriously injured in North and South Carolina golf cart accidents than ever before 

Recently, golf carts have been making the headlines in North and South Carolina—but for the wrong reasons. The number of people injured or killed in golf cart accidents in North and South Carolina has increased by an astonishing 68 percent

In the past two months, golf cart accidents in North and South Carolina have been on a dangerous upswing.

A disturbing trend developing in North and South Carolina

Why are golf cart accidents in North and South Carolina increasing? While the summer months inherently bring a spike in golf cart accidents, a disturbing trend has been developing over the past couple of years. Here are three shocking statistics about North and South Carolina golf cart accidents. 

A new study found that an increasing number of children and teenagers are injured or killed each year in golf cart accidents in North and South Carolina. In the past three years, more than 6,500 adolescents were injured nationwide. Over half of those injuries occurred to adolescents 12 years and younger—who weren’t even close to the legal driving age for most other vehicles.

An independent study found that of all annual golf cart accidents (18,000 per year nationwide), more than 48 percent result in hospitalization, severe trauma, or death. Golf carts provide little protection for drivers and passengers—especially when hit by a larger, faster vehicle. In fact, in most of these cases, drivers and passengers were ejected from the golf cart due to the lack of restraints (seat belts) and protection (siding, airbags, etc.).

Based on several studies and reports, 3 out of 5 golf cart accidents involve alcohol. Many people who operate golf carts do so because they have been drinking or because they falsely believe they can consume alcoholic beverages while driving golf carts in their neighborhood or short distances. 

Under North and South Carolina DWI laws, driving a golf cart “while impaired” is illegal.

Conversely, a significant number of golf cart crashes occur because the driver of a passenger vehicle is impaired. That’s why no matter how cautious you are while operating a golf cart if you share the road with passenger vehicles, you are always at a disadvantage. 

Important tips to remain safe while operating golf carts 

When operating and riding in golf carts

Yet, keeping operators of golf carts safe is everyone’s responsibility. For more information on how to safely navigate golf carts on roadways, check out our article, “Sharing the Road with Golf Carts,” here.

Injured in a golf cart accident in North or South Carolina?

Call Auger & Auger immediately at (855) 969-5671

The actions you take after a golf cart accident can have a huge impact on your claim. If you have been injured in a golf cart accident in North or South Carolina, contact the experienced golf cart accident attorneys at Auger & Auger immediately.

For over 20 years, Auger & Auger has helped thousands of accident victims and their families throughout North and South Carolina. We understand how stressful an accident can be, and we are committed to taking the pressure off you. We also know firsthand the seriousness of golf cart accidents and have experience handling these traumatic and catastrophic cases. 

We are here to help you. Take the first step by requesting a complimentary case review. 

Call 855-969-5730 now to speak with our experienced golf cart accident attorneys.

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