Myrtle Beach Truck Accident Lawyer

You’re driving down the road trying to multitask behind the wheel. You know that distracted driving can lead to accidents but that isn’t the first thing on your mind. What’s on your mind are a million things you have to do before you reach your destination. How would you feel if you knew the driver of the semi next to you felt the same?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration lists four categories of critical reasons behind truck crashes. One of those four categories is recognition; in other words, the driver was inattentive or distracted. Our Auger & Auger Myrtle Beach truck accident attorney knows just how often distracted driving leads to accidents, and when those involve large commercial vehicles the outcome can be devastating. 

When Distractions Lead to Catastrophe

Just what constitutes distracted driving? We do have a list below, however, a list shouldn’t be your main focus. Anything that takes your attention away from the road is a distraction. Your sole responsibility behind the wheel is to obey traffic laws and operate your vehicle safely.


Common distractions include:

  • Eating
  • Drinking
  • Talking over wireless
  • Texting
  • Reading
  • Grooming 
  • Interacting with GPS
  • Observing other accidents

Something to remember is that a vehicle going 55 mph can travel the length of a football field in only 5 seconds. That’s about the time it takes to read a text! Remember that you are essentially driving blind when you are paying attention to something other than the road ahead.

FMCSA Regulations Aim to Reduce Distraction

Studies have shown that the biggest distraction behind the wheel is a cell phone or other electronic device. To try and curb this distraction, the FMCSA has established new guidelines for truckers. 

Truck drivers are NOT permitted to:

  • Reach for;
  • Hold;
  • Dial;
  • Text with; or
  • Read a mobile device.

The agency has also established penalties for these behaviors. A truck driver can be fined and so can their employer. In addition, offenders could ultimately lose their driving privileges. Clearly, the FMCSA takes distracted driving among truckers very seriously.

Distracted Driving Laws in Myrtle Beach

Truckers are bound by the regulations of the FMCSA plus they are subject to the same laws as any other vehicle driver. In 2014, it became illegal throughout the state to text while driving. The restrictions do not, however, apply to those who are legally stopped at an intersection.

Can a trucker be arrested for eating behind the wheel? No. The statutes only address the use of electronic devices, but that doesn’t mean that a trucker won’t be held liable for an accident caused because they are paying attention to something else.  

Auger & Auger Doesn’t Take a Back Seat

At Auger & Auger Accident and Injury Lawyers, we have seen the aftermath of truck accidents in Myrtle Beach. We know that families not only experience emotional turmoil but can be sent into a spiral of financial ruin. We don’t believe that this should ever be the outcome of someone else’s negligence.

If you or a loved one has been injured, call your Myrtle Beach truck accident attorney today. Our A&A Zero Fee Guarantee™  ensures that you don’t have to let the worry of financial burden prevent you from hiring an aggressive, legal advocate. You don’t owe us anything until we win your case! Call us at 843 385-9342 to speak with our attorney at no cost!