Scooter accidents and the new e-scooter trend.

Author: Auger Law | June 13th, 2018

If you have visited the Uptown district of Charlotte, then chances are you have seen people riding on electric scooters.  Recently three companies (Spin, Bird and Lime) have rolled out their e-scooters for the people of Charlotte to enjoy.  The scooter rentals are able to be transacted through apps for each of the companies.  Users can search using the app to find and unlock an “e-scooter”.  The scooters are rentals are quite affordable and pricing structures vary by each company.  While cheap and available transportation options are always welcome, there could be cause for concern about additional concerns related to scooter accidents and the safe and responsible use of the vehicles.

New e-scooter trend and the Scooter accidents

When the scooters were first deployed, Lime, put the vehicles on the street without acquiring the necessary permissions from the city of Charlotte.  Eventually the proper permits were acquired and Lime and Spin and Bird are all involved in the Shared Mobility Pilot Program. The program provides regulation and guidelines that will hopefully give oversight to these companies and to the riders that are utilizing them. A review of the city’s website shows that the companies have policies regarding where the vehicles can be driven, helmet use, speed limits, and age and licensing limits.  Outside of safety there is also a concern of where the scooters should be left when a ride is finished. The policy says that the scooters should be parked in a location that does not impede pedestrian walkways or the city’s right-of-way.  Obviously the city and these companies are all hoping that people will use these vehicles responsibly and hopefully there will be vary few, if any scooter accidents or incidents.

What About Possible Accidents and Injuries Related to E-Scooters?

Just as bicyclists, people riding the electronic scooters will have to operate them in accordance with local traffic laws.  Assuming that the pilot program is a success and these devices are going to be here to stay, unfortunately there will be accidents and injuries to come. A car, bicycle or scooter accident can be caused by all kinds of contributing factors and no two accidents ever happen under the exact same circumstances.  Just as you would do if you were involved in a bicycle or motor vehicle accident, a scooter injury should be dealt with in the same manner.  Safety and medical attention should always take precedence when an accident happens.  After the injuries and safety of those involved has been handled at the scene, an accident report should be made and completed by local law enforcement. Issues regarding fault and accountability for the scooter accident will be managed by insurance companies and Courts.

Scooter accidents will also involve issues such as damage to vehicles, bodily injury and compensation for both.  After someone is involved in a scooter injury accident they should consider contacting an injury lawyer to discuss their potential options.  An experienced injury firm will be able to assist with reviewing the accident report and speaking to the insurance company(s) that may be involved. Additionally a injury lawyer may be able to provide compensation for someone injured in an accident that involved an e-scooter. Again, before speaking to an insurance company, it may be a good idea to first speak to a lawyer.

Auger & Auger proudly serves the Carolinas and helps being that have been injured in accidents involving cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians and scooters. Anyone injured in a scooter accident or any other type of injury related accident can contact our law firm for a free case evaluation and an opportunity to find out if our law firm may be able to help.  Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Call 800-559-5741

Posted In: Auger & Auger