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Top Common Workers Comp Mistakes

When we begin to deal with anything we are unfamiliar with, it’s easy to make mistakes. If you have been hurt at work for the first time, you will want to file a workers’ compensation claim. But what if you aren’t sure what to do? Below is a list of the top common mistakes people make with workers’ compensation in North Carolina. Learn from the mistakes of others so you at least know what not to do.

1. Telling the Boss Too Late

If you are hurt on the job, tell your boss immediately. Even if you don’t feel like you are hurt, it’s important to file a report. While you have a year to file an injury claim, details will become fuzzy and hard to prove.

2. Not Putting it in Writing

You may have a relationship with your boss that is better than anything you have ever experienced, but that doesn’t mean you can skip the report. While there is certainly nothing wrong with talking to your boss about your accident or injury, don’t neglect to put it in writing.

3. Not Seeing a Doctor

No, you may not feel like you’ve been hurt. That said, you never know what could crop up later or what could be wrong internally. If you are injured at work, see a doctor. This is an important part of your claim.

4. Using the Wrong Doctor

Some employers will try to suggest a doctor to any employee who has been hurt on the job. It is your right to see any doctor you like. If you have your own doctor, that is who you should be visiting.

5. Foregoing an Attorney

Most people don’t need an attorney to file a workers’ comp claim. If your claim is denied, however, or your employer tries to offer you some type of settlement, it’s important to seek legal advice. Remember that a positive outcome is dependent upon your quick and correct actions.

6. Downplaying the Incident

Don’t downplay the incident for the good of your employer. This is your life. Your employer has workers’ compensation for a reason. Downplaying the incident can have a negative effect on your claim.

7. Not Keeping Records

You want to keep records of everything pertaining to your injury. Don’t neglect to keep detailed medical records, make note of any missed days at work, and even keep track of your mileage to and from doctor’s appointments.

Filing a workers’ compensation claim is not difficult, but it is something that needs to be done precisely. If you are unsure of how to file your claim or if you have a claim, call our office. A member of our team will review the details of your accident and advise you of your options. Call now for a free case evaluation.

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